Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Google Alerts

Google Alerts are pretty nifty. I started using them fairly recently and can't believe I hadn't tried it sooner.

Google Alerts allow you to set up an alert that automatically notifies you via email if a news article, blog, site...whatever, releases or updates with a term or phrase you are interested in knowing about. So for example, say you want to find a discount on iphones or there is a certain flat-screen tv you are looking for a sale on. Google Alerts lets you just go about your business and let those updates come to you.

All you have to do is visit and enter the terms, type (choose Comprehensive), how often and your email address.

IMPORTANT: Some of the time you won't know what exact phrase to type in (because you may not now how everyone would term sale, discount, coupon, deal etc) so you can create multiple alerts for variations of that phrase. Also, and this is very important, put quotes around your phrase, such as "iphone sale" to get those words together. Otherwise you can get anything related to either term.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cheap traffic school - the coupon you'd never know to want or need

Having to go to traffic school doesn't make you a bad driver. In fact, some people go just to get an insurance discount. (Which usually pays off: $18-$20 for a course, 1-3 year insurance reduction depending on state and insurance company.)

I work for a company that actually develops these courses for different states according to the statutory guidelines which are usually pretty strict. Anyway, I wanted from time to time to have somewhere (besides Craigslist where the "ad" drops off the page in 2 minutes) to post a coupon/promo code for the course. It may hardly or rarely get found, but I will make sure it is good for at least a month. Regardless, you can always try to use it and if it doesn't work, no harm no foul (except 2 minutes of your time).

Oh this coupon will only apply for California traffic school. But, I will post others down the road for Florida, New York, New Jersey, Nevada and Texas (to name a few).

So if you want to get $5 off california traffic school, which will make the price bottomline for the course $14.00, use this coupon code: CAL5OFF

Click to visit the california traffic school webpage and try it out!

The site is